Got a thing for hard-boiled eggs? Well, of course, there's no doubt they make a perfect snack that can be enjoyed at any time of the day. And interestingly, they're packed with nutrients that can do more than building muscle mass and repairing damaged body tissues.
But that's not all — eggs are also very affordable! Yes, you can actually get a dozen or two without burning a whole in your wallet. So what's the point?
Well, it's pretty simple — there's absolutely no reason why boiled eggs shouldn't be a part of your diet. Here are a few incredible benefits that come along with eating at least one boiled egg a day.
1. Packed with Proteins.
Basically, every one of us know that boiled eggs are high in protein. And yes, our bodies need the nutrient for everything from repairing damaged tissues to building muscle mass to providing structure for cellular walls. With this in mind, you'll certainly do well to start adding some hard-boiled eggs into your healthy diet; one (which contain up to 6 grams of protein) a day will be perfect!
2. Full Dose of Healthy Fats.
For those who might not be aware, these healthy fats can help lower insulin levels, regulate your blood cholesterol levels and amazingly, reduce your risk of heart disease. In a nutshell, eating just one egg a day can actually do more than you can possibly imagine!
3. Stronger Bones and Teeth.
Eating boiled eggs for stronger bones and teeth?
Well, yes! And it's all thanks to their vitamin D content. Essentially, vitamin D allows for better calcium absorption and it also regulates calcium levels in your blood. You should, however, be aware that one hard-boiled egg provides you with 45 out of the 600 international units of vitamin D you need daily.
So yes, always do your best to get your vitamin D from boiled eggs and other healthy sources (salmon, shrimps, tuna and more).
Note: The vitamins and minerals in eggs are found mostly in the yolk.
4. Healthy Eyes
You might not know this but eating one hard boiled egg daily can actually increase your chances of having healthier eyes.
Why? Well, it's only because eggs contain Vitamin A; a nutrient that absorbs light in your retinas, protect membranes around the cornea and lessen the risk of night blindness.